NixOS Configuration with Flakes
Table Of Contents
My Flakes Philosophy§
In this blog post I will overview how to setup flakes with NixOS and home-manager, and my approach to system configuration. I will also take care to introduce the Nix language and provide links to learning more. This is the first post in my NixOS Desktop series which I will use to explore my Nix and Linux journey. I installed Linux/NixOS for the first time one month ago so it is following me in real time from beginner to eventually, hopefully master :). This post is heavy on the Nix as I am laying the foundation for future posts. But in the future expect it to be much more balanced. For a sneak peek of what is to come check out my dotfiles.
NixOS and home-manager have extensive options but most of them only need to be configured once. Things like sound settings, boot, etc. can be abstracted into groups. Therefore I leverage the Nix module system, which I will go into in detail, to create high level options that makes setting up new systems and profiles easy.
Before I get into the details, I have to thank Wil Taylor for his amazing NixOS series (see below) and his dotfiles repository for providing a baseline. My configuration started off as a copy of his and has since evolved but much remains similar. His name will appear often for credit in this post. He uses a role system which involves importing configuration files, while I prefer to use the built-in module system which provides more flexibility.
Note: While flakes are technically unstable, I have been daily driving them with no issues.
Setting up NixOS§
There has been much written on setting up NixOS so if you don't have it installed check out these resources:
- Graham Christensen Dell Setup
- Setting up partitions and encryption (luks)
- Wil Taylor's NixOS series
- Overview of how to install NixOS and basic flake introduction. Also overviews how to set up an initial NixOS flake configuration. I used the series to get started with NixOS/Flakes and highly recommend watching the full series.
Introduction to Flakes§
I will be going into a little of how flakes work but there are already some great writeups. My go-to when I need to brush up is Practical Nix Flakes. Also Wil Taylor's series provides an overview.
See the wiki for installation and more information. I recommend following the system-wide installation as the nixFlakes
installation option will not work as we need access to the nixos-rebuild ***** --flake
Writing flake.nix§
Assuming you have Nix installed with flakes enabled we will start our journey to creating a configuration. The core of the system configuration is flake.nix
. This is the file that all our nix flake commands look for.
Initialize flake§
First create your directory that will host your configuration. I followed Wil Taylor's lead (see NixOS series) and created .dotfiles
folder in my home directory. In your folder call nix flake init
which will create a basic flake. You should see:
{ # .dotfiles/flake.nix
description = "A very basic flake";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
packages.x86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello;
defaultPackage.x86_64-linux = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello;
We can update the description to signify that this is our system config description = "System config";
Setting inputs§
Inputs are implicit in nix flake init
. But we want to make it explicit and add extra inputs such as home-manager.
I am a believer in home-manager for configuring my user environment. It allows me to have my user config follow the same philosophies of my NixOS config. Combined with its support of flakes, all configuration can be in a single github repository and is reproducible.
I also use unstable nixpkgs (see channels) as the default which is a preference of mine. I have home-manager follow my nixpkgs so everything is following my own flake.lock
. For more information on inputs check out the manual.
URLs can be in any format as described by the schema. By default it assumes that any repository as input is a flake
. Therefore it looks for a flake.nix
file in the base directory.
{ # .dotfiles/flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
All external inputs should be placed in the inputs. These inputs are what Nix uses to generate the flake.lock
file. The lock file sets the versions being used which is what provides the reproducibility. As our home-manager and system configuration are in a single flake, updating our packages will be as simple as nix flake update
Setting up outputs§
The outputs of a flake are where our actual configuration will be. However, keeping our entire configuration in flake.nix
will quickly get unwieldy. So this is where we will be importing our own function for building users and systems.
{ # .dotfiles/flake.nix
outputs = { nixpkgs, home-manager, ...}@inputs:
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
util = import ./lib {
inherit system pkgs home-manager lib; overlays = (pkgs.overlays);
inherit (util) user;
inherit (util) host;
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
config.allowUnfree = true;
overlays = [];
system = "x86_64-linux";
in {
homeManagerConfigurations = {
jd = user.mkHMUser {
# ...
nixosConfigurations = {
laptop = host.mkHost {
# ...
Nix Language§
There is a lot to unpack here so I'll start with what the Nix Language is doing. If you are experienced with Nix, you can skip this section. I will go over the language briefly as we go along and provide links but I highly recommend James Fisher's Nix by example for learning Nix.
The let
- The
is a function that is called with the inputs declared earlier. - We declare local variables using the
let ... in
syntax. Nix pills has a good overview. - In our let we utilize
which lets us copy variables easily. The manual has a nice description. - We create our own
which importsnixpkgs
with our configuration of choice. I install non-free packages like obsidian and zoom-us so I make sure it is allowed (see wiki) - We import our custom functions using
import ./lib { #parameters }
. Importing is like calling a function, see the Nix Pills - We will not cover
in this post as they are not important to the task at hand, but if you are interested check out the wiki.
The in
- We call our homemade imported functions
with parameters. We will write out these functions and their parameters next.
Homemade Functions§
Our homemade funtions mkHost
and mkHMUser
are our abstraction away from base option settings. Our configuration options will be parameters to this function which will take them act on them build our system and home-manager flakes. You can have as many homeManagerConfigurations
and nixosConfigurations
as you want enabling you to have every OS config and User config in one reproducible github repository \(^▽^)/.
Library Functions§
Before I jump into writing our functions, I have to credit the one and only Wil Taylor for providing the idea and original code (see here)
./lib default.nix§
When you import a directory, Nix automatically looks for a default.nix
file to run. So this is where we will import our functions.
# .dotfiles/lib/default.nix
{ pkgs, home-manager, system, lib, overlays, ... }:
rec {
user = import ./user.nix { inherit pkgs home-manager lib system overlays; };
host = import ./host.nix { inherit system pkgs home-manager lib user; };
Notice we use rec
around our imports. This lets us self reference so we can call util.user
in our flake.nix
. See wiki.
System Configuration§
We will start with learning how to make a system configuration. In this section I will introduce you to Nix Modules which are fundamental to NixOS.
This function is what we use to make system configurations. There are three parts to the parameters, hardware/kernel options and the systemConfig
, and users
. The hardware/kernel options are mapped one-to-one to NixOS options, while systemConfig
will be our abstracted configuration module.
# .dotfiles/lib/host.nix
{ system, pkgs, home-manager, lib, user, ... }:
with builtins;
mkHost = { name, NICs, initrdMods, kernelMods, kernelParams, kernelPackage,
systemConfig, cpuCores, users, wifi ? [],
gpuTempSensor ? null, cpuTempSensor ? null
networkCfg = listToAttrs (map (n: {
name = "${n}"; value = { useDHCP = true; };
}) NICs);
userCfg = {
inherit name NICs systemConfig cpuCores gpuTempSensor cpuTempSensor;
sys_users = (map (u: user.mkSystemUser u) users);
in lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system;
modules = [
imports = [ ../modules/system ] ++ sys_users;
jd = systemConfig;
environment.etc = {
"hmsystemdata.json".text = toJSON userCfg;
networking.hostName = "${name}";
networking.interfaces = networkCfg;
networking.wireless.interfaces = wifi;
networking.networkmanager.enable = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = initrdMods;
boot.kernelModules = kernelMods;
boot.kernelParams = kernelParams;
boot.kernelPackages = kernelPackage;
nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs;
nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault cpuCores;
system.stateVersion = "21.05";
with Statement§
Another large piece of code to unpack! Starting at the beginning we have with builtins;
. This lets us call builtin functions without using builtins.***
. See Nix Pills. All the builtin functions can be found in the manual.
Next up is networkCfg
. The NICs variable is a list of strings. So
turns the list of strings into a list of { name = "${nic}"; value = { useDHCP = true; }
. Then we call builtins.listToAttrs
which maps the list of name/value pairs to an attribute set { "${nic}" = { useDHCP = true; } }
Now in the output we have networking.interfaces = networkCfg
(see nixOS options). Our list of strings was turned into suitable networking interfaces. We have useDHCP = true
so we can have IP addresses auto-assigned (wikipedia).
doesn't actually configure anything. Instead it is used to pass information about the system to our user (aka home-manager) configurations. We use builtins.toJSON
to save the attribute set to /etc/hmsystemdata.json
. Passing data in between the system and user is important for settings up things like .xinitrc
if system is not using a display manager.
All of our users need to be declared in the system configuration. Therefore we map our list of user
attributes sets that we passed from flake.nix
to the user.mkSystemUser
Now is a good time to set up our user.nix
file with its first function.
# .dotfiles/lib/user.nix
{ pkgs, home-manager, lib, system, overlays, ... }:
with builtins;
mkHMUser = { # To be completed later };
mkSystemUser = { name, groups, uid, shell, ... }:
users.users."${name}" = {
name = name;
isNormalUser = true;
isSystemUser = false;
extraGroups = groups;
uid = uid;
initialPassword = "helloworld";
shell = shell;
These are some basic user settings. See here for info on isNormalUser
, isSystemUser
, and uid
. We set an initial password but it should be changed immediately after setup. We set the shell to the chosen shell package. The groups is a list of any groups the user should be a part of.
Kernel Goodies, etc.§
A whole bunch of kernel settings, some networking settings, etc. The philosophy behind not abstracting these settings is that they are essential to any system and should be explicitly chosen.
This is the function that produces our NixOS system flake. I was unable to find a high level description of what it does internally but if your interested here is the source code. Warning: it is very complex. What follows is my understanding of what lib.nixosSystem
The structure is laid out by the NixOS wiki. We set system
and modules
. Ooh! Our first code mentioning modules. NixOS takes in a list of module files. But what is a module!?
According to the wiki modules are Nix files that declare options for other modules to define. But what exactly does that mean? It is illustrated well when you see the structure of a module.
imports = [
# paths to other modules
options = {
# option declarations
config = {
# option definitions
Working backwards lets start with the config. This is where you act on your configuration. Lets say a user set wifi.enable = true
. If wifi.enable = true
, then we need install packages and run systemd services (or whatever enabling wifi does). But wait, to do that we are setting other options. Thats why the NixOS wiki says other modules define! Each module acts on other modules. So then where are these options coming from? The options section!
Every configuration option needs to be declared as an option. Attempting to access something in the config that isn't declared will result in an error. For all the declaration options check out, you guessed it, the wiki.
As every option needs to be declared, we want modules to interact with each other. The imports section lets you bring in your other modules and combine them.
Back to lib.nixosSystem§
Now that we have an understanding of Nix modules, lets re-examine what is happening with modules
. If you have ever checked out NixOS Options Search you will see 10,000+ options advertised. NixOS is really just one massive community module for setting up a Linux system!
This means when we provide our NixOS configuration, we can also import in our own modules that define new options. Its as simple as that: we provide our own high level options that set built-in NixOS options.
We import our custom module system from ./modules/system
and the config outputs from mkSystemUser
. The ++
operator is just concatenating the lists. Nix Operators
jd & systemConfig§
To prevent any accidental conflicts between the NixOS module system and my abstracted module system, all custom options are in the jd.***
attribute set. However, from flake.nix
you would never know this as I set jd = systemConfig
. Now that you know how to make a system flake lets go back to our flake.nix
and configure our first system!
System flake.nix§
Here is an example laptop configuration that I have in use. I copied and pasted the NICs
, initrdMods
, and kernelMods
from my system's auto-generated hardware.nix
file. I am leaving systemConfig blank as that is your freedom spot to create your own settings. At the end of the blog I will have an example module for inspiration.
{# .dotfiles/flake.nix
laptop = host.mkHost {
name = "laptop";
NICs = [ "enp0s31f6" "wlp2s0" ];
kernelPackage = pkgs.linuxPackages;
initrdMods = [ "xhci_pci" "nvme" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "rtsx_pci_sdmmc" ];
kernelMods = [ "kvm-intel" ];
kernelParams = [];
systemConfig = {
# your abstracted system config
users = [{
name = "jd";
groups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "video" ];
uid = 1000;
shell = pkgs.zsh;
cpuCores = 4;
User Configuration§
Now that you know how Nix Modules work, this next part should be a breeze. home-manager is just a massive community module for configuring user environments rather than the operating system.
is the function used to build our home manager flake. We have two parameters, username
and userConfig
. userConfig
is the user equivalent of systemConfig
which is our settings passed to our custom module.
# .dotfiles/lib/user.nix
{ pkgs, home-manager, lib, system, overlays, ... }:
with builtins;
mkHMUser = {userConfig, username}:
home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
inherit system username pkgs;
stateVersion = "21.05";
configuration =
trySettings = tryEval (fromJSON (readFile /etc/hmsystemdata.json));
machineData = if trySettings.success then trySettings.value else {};
machineModule = { pkgs, config, lib, ... }: {
options.machineData = lib.mkOption {
default = {};
description = "Settings passed from nixos system configuration. If not present will be empty";
config.machineData = machineData;
in {
jd = userConfig;
nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
systemd.user.startServices = true;
home.stateVersion = "21.05";
home.username = username;
home.homeDirectory = "/home/${username}";
imports = [ ../modules/users machineModule ];
homeDirectory = "/home/${username}";
# ...
This is our first encounter of a custom built module! It is very simple but shows how all config.***
need to be declared. While we never manually change what config.machineData
is, it still needs to be declared as an option. The point of machineModule is so we can access our exported hmsystemdata.json
in our custom modules. When accessing the data from our custom modules, all we need to do is access config.machineData.***
Home Manager Flake§
I am using the function home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration
from home-manager's flake.nix. I copied the relevant code below.
{ # home-manager flake.nix
homeManagerConfiguration = { configuration, system, homeDirectory
, username, extraModules ? [ ], extraSpecialArgs ? { }
, pkgs ? builtins.getAttr system nixpkgs.outputs.legacyPackages
, check ? true, stateVersion ? "20.09" }@args:
assert nixpkgs.lib.versionAtLeast stateVersion "20.09";
import ./modules {
inherit pkgs check extraSpecialArgs;
configuration = { ... }: {
imports = [ configuration ] ++ extraModules;
home = { inherit homeDirectory stateVersion username; };
nixpkgs = { inherit (pkgs) config overlays; };
The home-manager function home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration
is similar to lib.nixosSystem
. Rather than a list of modules
it takes in a single configuration
. But the outcome is the same, we can import our custom module at .dotfiles/modules/users
and machineModule to expand the options. Just like with the system config, we set jd = userConfig
Make sure to pass in the other parameters (system
, homeDirectory
, username
, and pkgs
). As you can see, home manager defaults to stateVersion = "21.09"
so make sure to set stateVersion = "21.05"
if it is 21.05 or else an error will occur.
That was much faster to get through then the system configuration setting because the concepts repeat! Its now time to start writing your own modules for configuration.
Writing Modules§
When writing your own modules you will be abstracting existing NixOS and home-manager modules. Therefore you should have all the options handy. Use NixOS Search when doing system configurations, and home-manager Appendix A when doing user configurations.
If you want inspiration for modules to write check out my modules folder. A good understanding of Nix and the builtin functions makes writing modules much easier. A great resource for builtin functions is teu5us' website. Also don't be afraid to google and read nixpkgs
github source. Most of the time its not actually that complicated.
Example Module§
This module is taken from my user setting for git.
# .dotfiles/modules/users/default.nix
{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
imports = [
We are utilizing module imports to group each module file into nice categories. Remember that when importing a directory, Nix looks for default.nix
# .dotfiles/modules/users/git/default.nix
{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.jd.git;
in {
options.jd.git = {
enable = mkOption {
description = "Enable git";
type = types.bool;
default = false;
userName = mkOption {
description = "Name for git";
type = types.str;
default = "Jordan Isaacs";
userEmail = mkOption {
description = "Email for git";
type = types.str;
default = "";
config = mkIf (cfg.enable) {
programs.git = {
enable = true;
userName = cfg.userName;
userEmail = cfg.userEmail;
extraConfig = {
credential.helper = "${
pkgs.git.override { withLibsecret = true; }
I create a shortcut to the current config, by setting cfg = config.jd.git
There is an enable
option that allows us to easily turn on and off git. This way instead of having to remove any custom configuration, just set enable = false
the attribute set won't be made anymore due to mkIf
. The userName
and userEmail
have defaults that I should never have to change, but are there in case I do. And I have git setup to always use my keyring (what is a keyring, and setting it up will be in a future blogpost!) instead of plaintext (from wiki).
Now from flake.nix
all we have to do is the following. Notice the jd.git.***
is hidden.
{ # flake.nix
jd = user.mkHMUser {
userConfig = {
git.enable = true;
Flakes Actions§
Now that you have written the modules you want, you probably are wondering how you actually interact your flakes. However, before we can do that we need to get a git repository set up.
Git & Flakes§
Nix requires your flakes to be in a git repository and all new files that are accessed by the flake to be staged (but not necessarily committed). Attempting to access a newly created file that was not staged will result in the flake saying the file was not found. However, once the file is staged any changes can be made to it without staging or committing. If you do not commit you will see a warning: warning: Git tree '*dir-path*' is dirty
. It is just letting you know you are building a flake with uncommitted changes.
Applying Flake§
While writing modules is fun, the whole point is to create a usable system! That is only possible by building and activating your flakes.
Applying your system flakes with your system is as easy as appending --flake '.#'
to your sudo nixos-rebuild ***
command. Make sure to run the command when your working directory is .dotfiles
or wherever your flake is located.
Applying your user flake is a little more complicated. First you need to build the flake then activate it.
nix build --impure .#homeManagerConfigurations.$USER.activationPackage
is required because we are importing hmsystemdata.json
. It means we are not fully reproducible because the file (and thus output) could change without updating the flake.
Updating Flake§
As our system and user are all in the same flake, updating the flake is as easy as calling nix flake update
when in the directory.
Cleaning System§
It is still a normal NixOS system so you can call nix-store --gc
and nix-store --optimize
Finishing up§
Well now you hopefully have a functioning NixOS and home-manager flake with a better understanding of Nix! If you have any questions, or find any issues with anything in this post feel free to leave a github issue at my dotfiles repo