Serializable Isolation

In serializable, one also to check read-write conflicts. There needs to be shared locks (reads) in addition to exclusive locks.


In serializable, it is possible for a subsequent transaction to do writes. Therefore, all queries in the multi-statement have to be treated as read-writes.

It might make sense to have a read-only multi-statement transaction in serializable that locks down write transactions. Then, reads in the multi-statement require no locking. It is equivalent to running multiple read queries as-of the same timestamp.

these differ from commit dependencies. Completion dependencies only must wait for a known outcome of dependent transactions, while commit dependencies must abort if any dependent transaction aborts. Completion dependencies are required because of Case 3 mentioned earlier, a row cannot be returned to the client until there is a known outcome of all the uncommitted data (excluding the transaction's own writes).


Serializable reads do not need to be done at a read timestamp due to read locks. Just perform everything at the latest committed node. Do get a timestamp to determine where in the uncommitted node list you can acquire a lock?

Snapshot reads are not serializable